Tri-Isotropic Wood

University Research & Fabrication Facility for Additive Manufacturing • 2017

Advised by Professors Richard Sarrach & Ted Ngai

Tri-Isotropic Wood is a project proposal that is born from the notion of challenging the preconceptions of the intrinsic material properties of wood: anisotropic (or directionally dependent), opaque, and rigid. Through a tri-axial kerf-bent system, the anisotropic properties of wood are relieved. By exploring the possibilities of a material addressed in a non-traditional manner, malleable space is created from a rigid material. 

  • The formal process began with in-depth research into kerf-bending. The slot made by using a saw to cut wood is referred to as a “kerf.” By cutting wood and creating several kerfs, pieces may be bent easier as the thickness of the wood is effectively reduced. 

  • Based on technical formal research, hands-on experimental research with kerf-bending and wood was conducted. Various patterns were tested for flexibility, tensile strength, and compressive strength. The most successful trials were tri-axial, breaking the linear nature of wood.

  • Experimental model-making was utilized to explore kerf-bending and tri-axial systems in an architectural context. 

  • Through generative and experimental model-making, a tectonic approach comprised of two systems was devised. A layered tri-axial structure and grid organize the spatial configuration, while walls build of layers of kerf-bent wood divide and differentiate the spaces. By creating a screening system from layered wood, the opacity of the wood is then challenged. The change in the density of the layer pattern affects the interior quality of light and visibility. Each side of the walls is layered with bent acrylic to insulate and enclose the interior.

    As a research and fabrication facility, the structure functions to further knowledge and push the limitations of additive manufacturing. Sited on the Pratt Institute campus, the university is in the business of creating the next generation of makers and 3D printing is the next generation of making things. The research that would occur in this facility is broken down into a path of five elements: Feedstock, Printing, Post-Processing, Testing & Analysis, and Display & Storage. Each of these sections is broken down into three rooms and all rooms connect through rotating rooms located between each section. This helps keep the laboratories and vented facilities clean. 

    By constructing this facility from a rare material process and tectonic system, researchers and students are inspired to approach materials and methods with a creative state of mind.

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