
Innovative Community Living Model For The Sharing Economy Era • 2018

In Collaboration with Ashley Katz for the Home Competition

As the sharing-centric economy moves towards its late capitalist peak in the near future, so does the progressive development of responsive architectural and social conditions. The current models of profit-driven architecture and speculative spatial appropriation have created housing developments skirting the border of ridiculous. Defining this new typology of housing is the blurring of boundaries between public/private, live/work, and projected image/monumental object.

Here we present the despotic, infinite home unit as a means of critiquing the sharing economy’s response to urban density. This proposal pushes the idea of contemporary co-living to its inevitable demise.

InterAct is a model of “ideal” co-housing, providing a private bedroom for each resident and a variety of shared spaces. Each of these six public spaces allocated to a particular resident is shared with a different neighboring resident. These peripheral residents then, in turn, share each of their shared spaces with another distinct mix of residents, and so on. 

InterAct is a continuous monument of the late-capitalist housing schema. It seeks to rid the metropolitan of density problems and provide interaction among its residents while foregoing the need for individuality or stability. We live in precarious times; we need a precarious solution.

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